Sunday 4 March 2012

List of credits and research on fonts

List of credits

- 'Directed by Harrison Twinn, Curtis Stearn'
- 'Sound by Curtis Stearn, Craig Johnson, Bryn...'
- 'Edited by Harrison Twinn, Curtis Stearn'
- 'Cinematography by Harrison Twinn, Curtis Stearn, Bryn...'
- Title - 'TWICE'


For the credits for directing, editing etc, the font we could possibly use are of letters and words that are crumbled or shattered. It would somewhat reflect insanity or madness which is an element we are trying to represent in our film.
For the title, we could possibly use the same font as with the credits, but bolder and bigger. And since the title is called 'TWICE', we could use a kind of shadow on the title, to reflect upon the characters and the idea of two of the same person.

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